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Dumpster Sizes for shingling project

What size dumpster do I need for a shingling project?

One of the most common uses for heavy-duty roll-off dumpsters is the disposal of old roof shingles during a roof shingling project. While renting a roll-off dumpster is an ideal waste disposal solution for a roof shingling project, it’s important to choose the right dumpster size to make sure you’ll be able to fit all the discarded shingles without overpaying for a dumpster that’s excessively large.

Determining the size of the dumpster you need will be dependent on the size of your roof. In general, roofing shingles are sold in bundles, and three of these bundles equals one “roofing square” that can cover 100 square feet of your roof. By calculating how many roofing squares you’ll need to replace – or how many square feet of shingles you’ll be disposing of – you can determine the correct roll-off dumpster size for your shingling project:

    • If your roof is 2500 feet² or smaller – meaning you have 25 or fewer roofing squares – you should be able to get by with a 10-yard dumpster rental.
    • For shingling projects that will need to cover 5,000 feet² of roof, using up to 50 roofing squares, you’re going to need a 20-yard roll-off dumpster to get the job done.
    • A 30-yard dumpster can contain up to 70 roofing squares (7,000 feet²). For even larger roofs, you’ll need to rent more than one heavy-duty dumpster.

Contact Nordic Waste Management today if you’re interested in renting a 10-yard, 20-yard or 30-yard roll-off dumpster for a roof shingling project in the greater Twin Cities area!

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